Re: [orca-list] My Fedora 22 Blues

Hi Janina.

When I return from the console to tty 1, I get a gdm screen. Usually I
have speech, but if speech-dispatcher is not speaking, toggling Orca off
and on again with Super+Alt+S solves it. I'll add that to my
to-look-into list. In the meantime, after I log back in, the Orca I left
running in my user session resumes speaking. Is there any chance you're
in gdm but didn't realize it due to lack of speech?


On 06/05/2015 07:11 PM, Janina Sajka wrote:
I appreciate all the thoughts conveyed to my problem. But, I think
what's actually happening on my system has become muddled in the

I have no problem with Speakup, or with moving among the 23 open
consoles I have running Speakup.

The problem is Orca and Speech-Dispatcher -- or something in the GUI.
Once I leave tty1 where the GUI is, I can run Speakup all day, changing
consoles as much as I might want. But, when I return to tty 1, there's
no response whatsoever. Orca doesn't speak, and as far as I can tell,
nothing else is responding in any way.

For instance, I cannot do:

Alt F2

aplay ~/myfile.wav

Not even if I add something like "-D plughw:4" to the above command.
Yes, I have multiple audio devices.

Which leads me to a thought. I suppose I should try putting
Speech-Dispatcher on a completely separate device. I haven't need that
since using my ICE17724 device, but I suppose this would be worth a try.


kendell clark writes:
I seriously doubt fedora would do anything like that deliberately. If
they had, there would be a change log entry. Pulse is a problem for
speakup, no doubt about it, but otherwise usually just works. This is
really a speakup problem and needs to be fixed by the speakup devs,
because pulse audio isn't going away. Now that I've said all that, I
don't know  how to solve the problem reliably. If you can get into the
gui, make sure speakup is running, and then run sudo espeakup, while
in the gui. After that, speakup should work as normal. It's something
to do with pulseaudio and speakup conflicting with each other. Just as
an aside, speech-dispatcher's alsa support really leaves something to
be desired. It frequently crashes when using espeak
Kendell clark

Janina Sajka wrote:
I have pulse disabled the usual way I've been disabling it ever
since Redhat foisted pulse on us.

/usr/bin/pulseaudio is a 0-byte file chmod 444 owned by root:root.

Speech-Dispatcher has been told to use alsa.

PS: I actually suspect something explicitly Fedora. I'm suspicious 
there's some new setting designed to keep newbies locked onto the
gui, lest they stray into console land and freak out. That kind of
quote unquote feature wouldn't surprise me. I guess I should troll
the change log.


Jason White writes:
covici ccs covici com <covici ccs covici com> wrote:
I bet it has something to do with pulse audio -- do you have a
hardware synth to use with speakup to check?

It's also worth noting that I can't reproduce any of these issues
under Arch Linux with Pulseaudio, GNOME and Orca installed. It's
something Fedora-specific, apparently.

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