Re: [orca-list] Important: Web accessibility survey for screen reader users

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This is partially true. It all comes down to the perception, accurate
or not, that if you're blind you must use windows. How this got
started I don't know, but in my experience linux can do most things as
well as, and in some cases better than windows in terms of
accessibility. Orca does a very good job at what it does and I'm
continually frustrated that the blind community in particular is among
the most stubborn and ungreatful of linux converts, often switching
back after a few days because they "think" they need windows for
something, and trying to convince them otherwise is like talking to an
apple fan. I've honestly gotten to where I no longer bother with them
directly,  I just focus on making linux better, putting as many open
source tools into sonar that I can to support as much hardware as
possible, especially apple devices, where the perception is that linux
can't handle those devices, when in reality it can do most things with
it, though not in a pretty gui interface. Note that when I speak of
"blind people" I'm talking about the avid windows fans, not blind
people that use linux in combination with windows, but rather those
who will simply not acknowledge that linux is an option.
Kendell clark

B. Henry wrote:
In my  experience, and talking online contacts here as I've never 
traveled farther south than Guadamala, nor been west of Ontario in 
Ca., Linux is not markedly more popular  in developing countries, 
at least amoung blind users than in the U.S., and where it would 
gai would be in apple market share, not taking away from windows. 
PPL mostly buy beg, borrow, or steal pirated windows and pirated 
jaws. Chromvox is used on four platforms, and with chromebooks 
having at least the market share of linux, (not talking servers of 
course, and not including chromeOS as Linux although of course it 
is), I would disagree that it's likely that more people use Orca 
than cromevo. I use cromevox on my Linux boxes as no  GUI browser 
besides chrome/chromevox give me access to any content that
firefox does not. All the other GUI alternatives either work less
well in general than firefox, and by a good bit across the board,
or at best do not work on some sites that firefox does work on
while not working anywhere that firefox does not. This may not be
true on every possible webpage, but I've stopped testing any GUI
LInux browsers until I hear of something interesting. Last one I
tried was midori.

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