Re: [orca-list] Function "increase the speech rate" issue

Hi B.H.

Could you please test master with Writer and see if this issue is solved
for you?


On 12/03/2015 07:37 PM, B. Henry wrote:
Hi Joani and all,
The problem is that the speed change does not work as it should, i.e. slower or faster is said, but in a 
few apps/versions orca does not actually slow 
down. For me this would be libreoffice writer only, at least that is all I've seen so far. 
I load a document, try and slow speech rate down, but it remains normal. 
I for sure agree that this should only effect the app/window one is using, or at least this should be 
default. I suppose a prefference option could be 
added to make the change persist until orca is restarted, but don't think that is worth the trouble of 

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