Re: [orca-list] What's Wrong with Gnome-Terminal?

I just captured a script file and ran gnome-terminal from the command
line in a native console; see results below.

Script started on Wed Apr 22 20:58:18 2015
steve linlap ~$ gnome-terminal
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Failed to parse arguments: Cannot open display: 
steve linlap ~$ exit

Script done on Wed Apr 22 20:58:35 2015

Oh, and gnome-session is currently running while I did this in case
that matters.

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 11:40:42AM -0300, Jos?? Vilmar Est??cio de Souza wrote:
Hi Steve.

It would be possible to run gnome- terminal in the console and capture the
output? Maybe this can give a hint of what might be happening .

On 04/22/2015 11:13 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
I have all the latest packages related to gnome 3.16 installed on my
arch linux system and cannot get terminal to open. I tried
control-alt-t and I also typed gnome-terminal in the alt-f2 box and it
never opens. It basically just stays in the currently running
application such as my documents folder. I don't get any errors or
anything else; at least Orca doesn't indicate anything.

Any ideas on what could be going on here?
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Jos? Vilmar Est?cio de Souza

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