Re: [orca-list] Changing the keybindings to be JAWS-like or NVDA-like (was Re: In Search Of The Main Developers Of Orca)

I've searched around on the web and found the official webpage:

As stated before, it's released under BSD license, the simplified one:

Note, that it's a trademark of the Linux Foundation.

For bug reporting, please head over to and mark
IAccessible2 as Component.

You can also subscribe to the public mailing list at accessibility-rfc a11y org Archives at

IAccessible2 seems to be an API similiar to AT-SPI Orca uses, when I screen the Overview wiki page:

Hope, it helps somewhat.


Am 13.05.2014 19:45, schrieb Bhavya shah:
Hey, Christopher Cholton Sir,
Since there are so many Orca developers on this group itself only
someone will have to step forward to help.
Orca and NVDA both have their advantages and disadvantages. I am only
suggesting the key bindings be made similar for the comfort of new
users. Please interested developers step forward to make the necessary
changes if other users have no issues.
Please write Orca users if you would not want this change of key
bindings. If you would like this change please write onlist so that
devs can show up as well.
As an ex-Windows user I would love to point out features that Orca
lacks or need to be implemented.
Also, can someone please explain what is this IAccessible2  and how
can it be beneficil?

On 5/13/14, Jason White <jason jasonjgw net> wrote:
Luke Yelavich <themuso ubuntu com> wrote:

Are there any apps that offer IAccessible2 on *nix?.

No, as far as I am aware, there aren't any.
Either way, a better approach would be to write an IAccessible2 wrapper for at-spi or atk, something similar to what java atk wrapper does now.

It has been done for Microsoft's User Interface Automation API under Mono,
for use with applications written in C#.

I'm not aware of any application that would be portable, which supports IAccessible2 and which might be run under Linux/UNIX, so I'm not sure that
there are any use cases to justify doing the work.

In the case of Java and Mono, the environments were specifically designed
be available under multiple operating systems and we really need those
to ATK.

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