Re: [orca-list] Panels, (systryish applets), LXDE/Openbox menu accessibility

Yes, actually I gave profiles evocative names when I saved them, so recognition of what  is what is not an 
issue, wouldn't 
usually be a problem anyway in most situations I'm in, but certainly can be/good point. 
I guess counting is indeed the only way to pick a profile, but seems like this didn't always work as it 
should hav for me 
in a console with speakup. Must be a deffective user I guess, but I'll play with this a bit and make sure one 
of these 
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 12:43:19PM -0400, D. A. H. wrote:
I've used wifi-menu in both a console and in a gui terminal emulator window.
When I've started wifi-menu, the cursor is always on the first network in
the list.  In the terminal emulator window, I can use flat review to go down
the list, then I have to remember how many networks I pass in order to reach
the desired one.  Than, I just bang the down arrow the right number of
times, and hit 'enter'.  If you want to use speakup, try tracking the
highlight.  Did you know, you can rename the profiles wifi-menu creates?  At
the prompt, just hit 'ctrl+u', and type a name you want.  To connect to a
network you've saved, just use

sudo netctl start networkprofilename

E. G.

sudo netctl start Starbucks

You'll get no indication whether this works, other than your ability, or
not, to do anything on the network. The profiles are human-readable, and
located in /etc/netctl/



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