Re: [orca-list] LXDE/Openbox menu accessibility

As far as I know, LXPanel is still inaccessible. Since you are using Arch, would you consider using netctl instead of network manager? You could then use the ncurses ui thing called wifi-menu to connect to wifi points and profiles for your wired connections. Before starting the netctl service, you'll need to stop the networkmanager service.



On 06/25/2014 10:47 AM, Mike Ray wrote:
I have come to something of a grinding halt with lxde at the moment
because I can't find a way to get the sys tray, which I think is on the
bottom panel, although I might be wrong as I don't really either
understand or like panels, to take keyboard focus.  So I can find no way
of opening the network manager applet.  I could use the nmcli console
portion of network-manager but it would be nice to have a GUI thingy.

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