Re: [orca-list] LXDE/Openbox menu accessibility

In the spirit of keeping this thread living and public, let me offer another light-weight, accessible option, which I am exercizing, as we speak.

I have achieved decent accessibility, using Mate desktop and metacity window manager, instead of the default (marco). This gives me mostly-accessible panels, the speaking of some pop-up notifications, accessible desktop menus with first-letter navigation, and, most-import to me, the speaking of application names when using 'alt+tab' for switching. The Marco window manager does not speak when switching apps with 'alt+tab'. Changing the default window manager had to be done, once, using the gsettings command, since the utility, dconf editor, is still largely inaccessible. It seems, one can browse keys and values, using orca, but cannot change them.

On 06/25/2014 12:17 PM, Alex Midence wrote:
I, for one, do not consider this off topic at all, actually.  The question
of whether or not x or y desktop environment is accessible pre-supposes that
one would be using Orca in it.  Gaps in the accessibility of a given
environment could just as easily be phrased as areas in which Orca doesn't
communicate the contents of the screen to you whether because of a problem
with Orca itself or some other underlying issue with the infrastructure of
the environment.  Please keep this thread alive and public.  It is extremely
interesting and illucidating.

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