Re: [orca-list] string prefferences__was: accessing Audacity prefferences

I just did a search in my file manager for speech-dispatcher and could only find a ton of .deb files and several spec files. I looked at the spec files and they never ran. So there is no speech-dispatcher folder in my /brandon directory.
Is there something I should do to run these files?
I was looking at the spec files and it looks like one can write scripts for speech-dispatcher directly. Is that all orca is? I'm not 100% sure of the order of operation. If that is the case, where is the engine that takes the config files orca has and sends them to speech-dispatcher? Because that will have the location of speech-dispatcher.

In other questions,
the ctrl key is now performing an orca+/ rather than shutting speech up.
Also, when selecting text I hear no speech. How do I hear speech when selecting?
And is there a key command to exit only one window of gedit?

On 07/21/2014 08:48 AM, B. Henry wrote:
Check the option in orca preferences in the voice tab that says something like speak multicase strings as words. It's 
either the last option before apply, or close to it.
I just saw that you are using voxin, so there may well be some things going on with how strings that contain mixed 
characters, i.e. numbers and letters are pronounced that can't be controled with Orca. I don't have this synth installed 
anywhere at the moment and don't remember how it reacts. YOu can look in /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/ibmtts.conf to see 
if there's anything you can adjust that will help you. You may also have a speechdispatcher directory in your home folder, 
maybe ~/.local/share/speech-dispatcher, but for me it's ~/.config/speech-dispatcher. IIIIIIf you have the directory in 
your home folder you should probably work with that copy of the ibmtts.conf file as it will override whatever is in /etc.
Ido not understand why you can't save your files with gedit. This is not normal. Try tabbing around and seeing how 
everything looks. 
There is some lag with thunderbird, especially for some message types. YOu can try changing how the start reading 
automatically option is set in the thunderbird tab of orca prefs for thunderbird. Remember that orcakey control insert 
gives you the prefs for a specific ap. Apply, and then hit OK. If it is checked,, default I think, try unsetting it and 
after saving, reopen the ap specific prefs and reset it. I don't know why, but even using latest orca thhis still makes a 
difference for some settings for me. 
I think the saying of capital is also a voxin thing. Look in the speech-dispatcher file I mentioned above for anything 
related to this.     
OK, I see it, maybe nothing for the string thing, so hopefully the orca setting will help, but look at the substitution 
rules and change the lines that say for example,
IbmttsKeySubstitution "en"  "N"         "capital N "
deleting the capital in each letter's line. Probably just putting a # character at the beginning of each of those lines 
will have the same effect as like in most scripts and configuratin files the numbersign means the line is a comment and 
that it is not to be read by the program, or if the file is the program that it is not to be used.
YOu need to look at all of your options in both thunderbird prefferences and account settings. Remember that some have 
options with in options, so you will have to arrow down in a 2nd column as well to see them all, sorry, no tim e to give 
specific examples. 
Somewhere in these is the option to enable spell checking. It's probably in composition, but can't remember whether this 
is in prefferences for sure, it may be in the account settings, i.e. can be set differently for each mail or other 
account. Anyway, once enabled you will be shown your mispelled words when you go to send a message. You can also check a 
box somewhere, probably in the same line as the automaticly spell check setting that says something about showing 
mispelled words while they are being written. 
There are many settings that you may wish to customize, so I seriously recommend going through ALL the available options 
in both the menus I mentined, accounts and prefs. There's also an option intools I think that will let you check a message 
if it's not configured to do so by default. I have a reason that I don't want to start thunderbird right now+I"m short on 
time so can't check this for you right now. 
Your wording is unclear regarding firefox bookmarks, but you can do some things from the contextual menu, i.e. when on the 
bookmark in question you press the menukey or shift f10 and arrow up and down. YOu can't do everything from there, and 
it's recommended to open the manager, especially if you have more than one change to apply. YOu may be confused a bit by 
how the tree structure is navigated there, at least I have at times. I know intuitively now how to do what I need to do 
almost always, but with out opening it and taking detailed notes can't explain it clearly with confidence, and again, I'm 
short on time and that would take a while. Just remember that you will need to use both tabbing and arrowing to get at 
everything. Sometimes you will see folders, and other times there contents, but everything is certainly displayable when 
you use the manager.
As for your username, my first response is, "Wow!", someone spacier than
You should see your user name unless you've changed how your prompt is displayed, at least in most distros, when you open 
a terminal emulator in the GUI, like spacy-user [my-computer /some-directory]$
punctuation can vary as will spacing between distros, and you will likely see a ~ character when you   open the terminal 
or console as this stands for your home-directory.
If for some odd reason the username is not shown in your prompt then you can open /etc/shadow and look for it. There will 
be a list of "users", most of which will be program names. It usually starts with root, thin bin, and maybe daemon next. 
Everything will be a service or program except for usernames. In /etc/group you will find a somewhat longer list and down 
toards the bottom in most cases you will have the username also with a number beside it of 1000 or a bit higher in most 
cases unless you've done something non-standard which I doubt or you'd not be asking these questions. 
The other file you may look at to change how things are spoken is the speech.conf file in the speech-dispatcher irectory. 
Make backup copies of any of the configuration files before you make any changes in case you break something, or the 
change doesn't have the desired effect. Just copy it back in to place with the original name if your changes don't work as 
desired. Remember you'll probably need to restart screenreaders to hear changes. 
Got to run, so hope I touched on all the important points. 
If you have more questions, please tell us your orca version, what distro/release you are using, and although in this case 
it should not matter, your cpu and how much ram you have for good measure. Again that last one won't matter for the type 
of thing you are asking about, but it's just good form as for other questions it may matter.
I'm wondering if you don't have permission to change your any files, even in your home folder as you appear to have things 
set up to auto log-in. Usually you need to enter a password to modify files or add/delete them at some point, so if this 
is not done at log-in it may be asked for when you go to save those files that don't seem to be being saved. I don't get 
why you don't hear a notification and or see the dialog where you fill in username , and password, or at least the PW. 
It's usually not a good idea to auto log-in as you'll need to enter the info at sometime anyway, and sometimes I've heard 
of other complications&or bugs that occur when things are set to auto log-in. 
Maybe fixing those capital letter pronunciation lines will help all of your pronunciation issues with words being spelled. 
If you are still having issues there maybe someone who uses the ibmtts can help as I'm probably not going to be installing 
those voices soon/do need the Spanish one sometimes though, but am avoiding it for the moment as last I checked the 
speechdispatcher version required is not up to date and complications were common for many users. 


On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 05:15:44AM -0700, Brandon Keith Biggs wrote:
   On 07/21/2014 04:40 AM, Brandon Keith Biggs wrote:

     One more question:
     Sometimes in an app like firefox or the help, Orca will stop
     responding to the up and down arrows.
     How do I refresh orca so that it will work again? It works if I hit
 >      tab or alt tab, but changing the focus doesn't work and neither does
     loading a new page.
     Brandon Keith Biggs
     On 07/21/2014 04:28 AM, Brandon Keith Biggs wrote:

     Some really newbie questions:
     1. How do I make Orca say a word rather than spelling it when
     incountering a string like "test1"?
     2. How can I keep Orca from saying "capital o" or "backspace o" when
     pressing shift or backspace?
     3. What is the best way to navigate through thunderbird? In windows
     I just press enter on my messages and it reads all super fast, but
     here it seems to lag a lot when I do that. Hitting f6 works, but
     does not do a "read all" function when I jump into the message pane.
     How can I most quickly read my messages?
     4. Where is spell-check in Thunderbird located?
     5. How do I save in Gedit? When I press ctrl+s Orca says "capital s"
     and jumps me into the save window. I type in a document name like
     "test1" then hit enter. Nothing happens. I then type: "test1.txt"
     and hit enter. The only thing that seemed to work is "/test1" and
     now I can't find it in my home dir.
     6. How do I see the username of my computer? When trying to log into
     the console I'm asked for my user name, but I don't remember it...
     7. I'm using the elaquence synth and when arrowing through letters I
     often hear lowd pops. Is there any way to keep this from happening?
     8. Is there any way to hear the function name rather than the keys
     when I do something like ctrl s or ctrl r in an app? I know what I'm
     pressing, but don't always know what function I'm calling.
     9. I can't seem to find a "read all" function, what is the key
     command for read all?
     10. Is there any way to add or remove folders in the bookmark menu
     in firefox without going into the bookmarks manager? I tried going
     into the bookmarks manager, adding a folder and looking at the
     folder in the menu, but even though the folder was named in the
     manager, it still showed "unnamed" in the bookmarks menu.
     Thank you,
     Brandon Keith Biggs

   I read on here that Audacity is accessible. I'm wondering how to use
   the preferences window? I need to change some key bindings in order to
   make it work on my laptop. When I hit ctrl+p the window comes up, but I
   can't tab or shift tab or arrow. I try to use the review cursor, but
   that doesn't seem to see the list of preference tabs.
   How do I navigate through this preference window?

   [1]Brandon Keith Biggs



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