Re: [orca-list] Where are application preferences in GNOME 3.10?

On 02/25/2014 03:23 PM, Kyle wrote:
The menu that used to have your name now says "settings menu." If you
arrow down from there, you will find your name. Arrow to the right, and
logout should be there. Hope this helps.

Unfortunately not. :( I find Settings, but nowhere do I find either my name or options to log off, just Lock and Power Off. I'd particularly like to find a Log off button/option because I have GNOME set to remember running programs, and IIRC this requires that you log out of your session rather than powering off or restarting. At least, powering off seems rather immediate, and I don't get the impression that the session is shutting down cleanly (nor are my running programs preserved.)

I'm using FC20. Someone said there were issues with Fedora?

Also, the desktop is nowhere in the tab order, nor does ctrl-alt-d pull it up. Is this expected behavior?

Thanks for all the help thus far.

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