Re: [orca-list] Built in Controls for Espeak Pretty Please with Sugar, cheeries, whatever it takes on top :)

Nearly every other screen reader has multiple ways to interact with speech. NVDA has a built in espeak, and the other 
nonfree readers have synths as well, I think most have a built in Eloquence. Never once, have I heard any of those 
users complain that their screen reader has entirely too many ways to talk. Also, as far as I am aware, no one has ever 
said "Man, I really wish my screen reader had to jump through layer after layer of junk to speak."
Speech-dispatcher is ok, for minimal usage, but it crashes with alsa, has odd puctuation inconsistancies, and is slow as molasses. The last time development of speech-dispatcher even reached a snail's pace was when open-speech or whatever was called was made because people weree frustrated with the lack of progress made by speech-dispatcher. I'm not even asking to replace spd. Let the people who like it use it. That's one thing that makes Linux rock, there's usually more than one way to do things. for some people, speech-dispatcher may be fine. for me, it's falling rather short.
Also, with a reliable way to deliver speech, speech-dispatcher can drag on it its currently abysmally slow 
progress, and we can have fully working espeak. Speech-dispatcher has been around and for a long time now, 
and there still not full support for espeak... No way to use variants, and you have to hack it to use 
freasonably fast espeak.
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 01:24:42PM +1000, Luke Yelavich wrote:
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 11:57:33AM AEST, Mike Ray wrote:
As far as Orca is concerned it should not care what synthesiser is doing
the speaking, it just offers up what it gets from the a11y server layer
to sd to pass on to whatever is doing the speaking.

I totally agree. If you folks want to make full use of what eSpeak has to offer, please get involved with 
Speech Dispatcher development to extend it to do what you want. Unfortunately I haven't had time to give the 
project any love in the past months, but I'll be making time in the coming week to get a bugfix test release 
out and start to look at future improvements.

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