Re: [orca-list] Automatic focus mode switching GUI and what to do about radio buttons?

Hi Joanie,

I have got a question only with new focus mode reladed GUI options:
This options now I think not have defined mnemonic letters (in the original english language translation strings not have underscore character before any letter).
Not need marking a mnemonic letter both two options?
For example, the structural navigation related gui option possible the mnemonic letter with s, the caret navigation related gui option possible using the c letter. Myself, until not marked original english string any mnemonic letter I not using underscore simbol with the translated string.

With radio buttons related:
I better prefer automatic way if the gui options is checked, but agree with more people suggestions to Orca not going automatic focus mode with radiobuttons related. If possible selecting space any radio button with the group in browser mode, me absolute good.


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