Re: [orca-list] Automatic focus mode switching GUI and what to do about radio buttons?

Hey Attila.

Not need marking a mnemonic letter both two options?
I thought about it before I committed the change. I don't think having a
mnemonic for the sake of having one is a good idea. Mnemonics are
supposed to be memorable and for often-used widgets. There are not that
many items currently on that page and I don't see these checkboxes as
frequently being changed. I think instead users will pick what works the
best for them and use Orca + A when that isn't quite right for a
particular situation. Beyond that, there's the potential for accidental
key conflicts during translation. So I think that it is preferable to
have mnemonics only when they are truly beneficial. As a result, I
committed the change without mnemonics.

And, yeah, I know: In the past we went mnemonic crazy. The reason I
haven't undone some of that is that a bunch of translators will then
have to do a bunch of work and when that fails, Orca users will have
untranslated widgets.


For example, the structural navigation related gui option possible the
mnemonic letter with s, the caret navigation related gui option possible
using the c letter.
Myself, until not marked original english string any mnemonic letter I
not using underscore simbol with the translated string.

With radio buttons related:
I better prefer automatic way if the gui options is checked, but  agree
with more people suggestions to Orca not going automatic focus mode with
radiobuttons related. If possible selecting space any radio button with
the group in browser mode, me absolute good.

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