Re: [orca-list] Your opinion regarding caret control in Gecko

It's strange that I'm replying to my-self. But after more and more testing I am not that strong on what I've said previously so I'd be happy to revisit it if more people can agree.

On 08.08.2014 at 16:58 Peter Vágner wrote:
When using NVDA, and probably JAWS as well, some controls like checkboxes and radio buttons can be operated without leaving Browse (NVDA) or Virtual PC Cursor (JAWS) mode at all. Yes it really works as described however this is because of additional browse mode features. This may be windows specific but when tallking MSAA or IA2, accessibility objects usually have so called default action.That is clicking the button, clicking the link, toggling the checkbox, selecting a radio button and maybe others. NVDA then bounds spacebar and enter keys to default actions. It means while you are in a browse mode you can to some extend operate these controls For example while browsing a page with NVDA you can activate links and buttons either by pressing the enter or the spacebar key because of this feature. I know it's usefull and if people will like it and knowledgeable person will be found which is willing to implement it it might also be added to orca however it does not break my proposal.
We will most likelly would like to have the exception for checkboxes and radio buttons as Geoff has originally proposed. Selecting a radio box or checking a checkbox is the only action which is doable with these controls. So having to jump to go to the focus mode, select a radio button and / or checking a checkbox and then returning back to browse mode is not something people might enjoy doing especially if there is a way to script it. Hand in hand with enhancement to activate the controls which alow nothing but activating then on enter and spacebar press as well as changing to focus mode on the enter press while we are in a browse mode within an interactive control is what we would also like to have in the future.

I understand this is a lot of requests at the same time so please feel free to take a break and / or wait for more input from the others until a best consensus is found. Also by following right people on twitter I gathered you will get a chance to meet other accessibility related heroes at mozilla a11y hackfest in Toronto next week and I know I will sound really selfish now but I think you might be able to get some usefull hints from them as well.

Thanks again for listening and doing a lot of hard work



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