Re: [orca-list] Your opinion regarding caret control in Gecko

Hey Peter.

On 08/08/2014 02:48 AM, Peter Vágner wrote:


My suggestion is to combine the two settings we are discussing here into
a single feature.

I was actually thinking something similar to this last night. But let's
see if we can define it succinctly (i.e. in as few words as possible).
Please answer the following questions:

1. Are you saying: Any time a widget gets focus, Orca would
   automatically turn all control over to Gecko? (Yes or no.)
2. Are you saying there would be a single keyboard command a user
   would press to return all control back over to Orca? (Yes or no.)
3. What does NVDA call each of these modes?
4. What keystroke(s) does NVDA use for this behavior?
5. What message(s) does NVDA speak for this behavior?

Again, let's first come up with a simple, clear specification. Once we
have that, lengthy discussions can resume while I look at implementing it.


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