Re: [orca-list] Your opinion regarding caret control in Gecko

On 08.08.2014 at 14:53 Geoff Shang wrote:
On Fri, 8 Aug 2014, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:

1. Are you saying: Any time a widget gets focus, Orca would
  automatically turn all control over to Gecko? (Yes or no.)

We may need to define "gets focus".

When using NVDA, and probably JAWS as well, some controls like checkboxes and radio buttons can be operated without leaving Browse (NVDA) or Virtual PC Cursor (JAWS) mode at all.
Yes it really works as described however this is because of additional browse mode features. This may be windows specific but when tallking MSAA or IA2, accessibility objects usually have so called default action.That is clicking the button, clicking the link, toggling the checkbox, selecting a radio button and maybe others. NVDA then bounds spacebar and enter keys to default actions. It means while you are in a browse mode you can to some extend operate these controls For example while browsing a page with NVDA you can activate links and buttons either by pressing the enter or the spacebar key because of this feature. I know it's usefull and if people will like it and knowledgeable person will be found which is willing to implement it it might also be added to orca however it does not break my proposal. Combo boxes (as opposed to edit combos), which I think are option boxes in Orca (I've not used it for some time, show the currently selected item and only interact if they are opened (either by pressing enter or something like alt-down which opens as a list). Yes thanks for the correction. This is something I've skipped in my explanations. When in so called browse mode pressing enter key on interactive controls such as entries and texts also switches to focus mode allowing direct interaction.

In addition, edit fields which are reached by pressing e or Shift-E are not focused immediately. This is to allow the user to locate a specific edit field by repeatedly pressing the e key. I remember there was some considerable discussion along the lines of what we're having here now when this was implemented, but I've not seen any calls to revisit the issue.
This respects the options I was trying to explain in my previous messages on this topic. If you choose not to switch to focus mode when moving the caret in browse mode you can press letter e multiple times to find out a particular edit field. However if you will choose to switch to focus mode when moving caret in browse mode and you press the letter e to go to an edit field, focus mode will activate for you after pressing letter e for the first time not allowing further keypresses.

FWIW, and it may not be related, NVDA has a C++ virtual buffer library which I believe is meant to be fairly portable and independent which may be of help. Their initial virtual buffer implementation was in Python but it wasn't very efficient.

Yes this may be usefull however the only usefull pieces would be those indexing and rendering the content since communication between processes is done differently on linux than it's done on windows and this is the part where c++ implementation vs python implementation makes such a huge increase boost in performance.



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