Do you still only have Python 2.7 installed? I have no direct
experience with this, so someone with experience should verify this
suggestion. I thought the latest version of orca that did not
require Python 3 was orca 3.5.9. This would mean that either you
need to downgrade to orca 3.5.9 or install python 3.
*Don Marang*
Vinux Package Development Coordinator -
On 3/3/2013 6:48 PM, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
> Hi,
> I try investigating on my problem, and as I don't find
anything, I tried
> analyzing the error on a semantic point of view. Note I
upgraded orca to 3.7.1.
> If I understand:
> Could not locate wnck_screen_get_default: (null)
> Indeed, wnck_screen_get_default is designed to contain a real
window manager.
> null isn't correct. Does it mean orca depends on the desktop
manager? What
> should this function contain or render? I read "WMEH spec".
But what desktops
> have this spec and is it mandatory?
> What could send or receive this function to read windows such
as OOo or firefox?
> Can I rename openbox in null or change anything to lead orca
to work, ia*a run,
> open its setting' window and read apps it's able to read
(i.e. not xterm, but
> at least other gtk apps). Yes, I want to disassemble orca and
the desktop
> manager. Isn't possible?
> Finally, what kind of desktop manager /ould be accepted,
without installing all
> a DE such as xfce or gnome?
> Thanks for your info.
> Regards,
> JP
> On Sunday 03 Mar 2013 à 16:53:28 (+0100), Jean-Philippe
MENGUAL wrote:
>> Hi,
>> So I tried exporting both variables. I remember now that
I used them too on
>> Debian. Unfortunately, I still have the same behavior:
the error I mentioned
>> and orca freezing. I get:
>> gi._glib.GError: Could not locate
wnck_screen_get_default: (null)
>> I did:
>> export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
>> export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN="gtk"
>> startx
>> But as you mention I'm sure orca can work without DE (I
hope). I don't expect to
>> access to xterm, but rather to see "Xterm Inaccessible"
and alt-tab, read the
>> orca /indow, or firefox, or OOo.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Best regards,
>> JPM
>> On Saturday 02 Mar 2013 à 23:46:31 (-0500), Bill Dengler
Yes, orca should work without a DE.
Try those commands.
On 03/02/2013 11:25 PM, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> To help me understanding how things woro
together: do you mean
>>>> that, if the window manager and the terminal are
not supported, we
>>>> cannot read also apps which are launched from
them? To read firefox
>>>> or OOo, I absolutely have to run orca in a
supported environment
>>>> (gnome, lxde)?
>>>> That's right one of my 1st experience was to see
if I could use
>>>> orca to read firefox and OOo without installing
gnome3 or a
>>>> desktop, but only with a window manager. Is it
impossible? Can't
>>>> orca be distinguished at all of the desktop
infrastructure? I
>>>> thought I could do this as on a Debian, I could
run only some
>>>> components of gnome and orca (terminal and
mutter) then orca read
>>>> firefox.
>>>> Merci beaucoup pour votre aide,
>>>> Regards,
>>>> JPM
>>>> On Saturday 02 Mar 2013 à 22:16:35 (-0600), Alex
Midence wrote:
>>>>> All the other suggestions and questions
notwithstanding, I wonder
>>>>> if anyone's tackled the most fundamental
>>>>> Orca does not read Xterm. It never has in my
experience neither
>>>>> with braille nor with speech.
Gnome-termilnal yes, xterm? Ce
>>>>> n'est pas posible, mon ami.
>>>>> Also, OpenBox is something I thought was not
accessible. If you
>>>>> require minimal resources, perhaps you should
try getting LXDE
>>>>> to work for you. There are some messages in
the archives of
>>>>> this mailing list which give the steps. I do
not use LXDE but
>>>>> Jonathan Nadeau and a few others have posted
about this in the
>>>>> past.
>>>>> Bonne Chance, Alex M
>>>>> -- Alex Midence
>>>>> * Linkedin: *
>>>>> Twitter: @hunbaatz * Facebook
>>>>> On 3/2/2013 9:50 PM, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
>>>>>> On Saturday 02 Mar 2013 à 22:40:10
(-0500), Bill Dengler
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Install the "speech-dispatcher" package then, run
>>>>>>> Hmmm. I've installed one. Even after
spd-conf, I've nothing
>>>>>>> else. But right, at this time, I've
not installed any speech
>>>>>>> synthetiser (espeak). I hope I'll be
able to use braille
>>>>>>> only. I needn't speech synthetiser
>>>> Is there a reason you don't want python3?
>>>>>>> I try optimizing at maximum my system
and as I use python2
>>>>>>> for most applications, I'm not so
happy if both python2 and 3
>>>>>>> are installed. Both would be large on
the system. And most
>>>>>>> apps don't support python3 yet. Well
if I cannot do better,
>>>>>>> I'll install it, but first, I'd ;ike
to know if I can use
>>>>>>> Python2. I also don't know if I don't
risk conflicts between
>>>>>>> modules and releases.
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Bill On 03/02/2013 10:39 PM, Jean-Philippe
MENGUAL wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Saturday 02 Mar 2013 à
22:26:55 (-0500), Bill Dengler
>>>>>>>>> wrote: OK... do you hear
"welcome to orca"?
>>>>>>>>>> No I don't. I only see,
via xbrlapi, "Screen reader
>>>>>>>>>> orca" (so a window whose
title is "screen reader
>>>>>>>>>> orca"). But indeed, I
don't have "Welcome to orca".
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>>>>>> Bill On 03/02/2013 10:25 PM,
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm in progress
in my experiences, but still not
>>>>>>>>>>>> with an orca. I
explain. I use openbox, and I run
>>>>>>>>>>>> orca from an
xterm terminal. I issue: orca
>>>>>>>>>>>> --enable=braille
I have nothing. orca runs, but
>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing seems to
appear, including the preferences
>>>>>>>>>>>> window. I precise
at-spi2-registryd is running.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So I run, while
xterm is running and on a terminal
>>>>>>>>>>>> (tty1):
DISPLAY=:0 orca --enable=braille
>>>>>>>>>>>> On the console, I
get: File
>>>>>>>>>>>> line 47, in
function return info.invoke(*args,
>>>>>>>>>>>> **kwargs)
gi._glib.GError: Could not locate
wnck_screen_get_default: (null)
>>>>>>>>>>>> orca crashes (I
can kill it only with a kill -s 9
>>>>>>>>>>>> command).
>>>>>>>>>>>> I precise what I
want: running orca from xterm (or
>>>>>>>>>>>> at X boot time
via openbox autostart or what else
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll find), and
having displayed the preferences
>>>>>>>>>>>> window. Then,
with alt-tab, I could access to OOo
>>>>>>>>>>>> and firefox.
Xterm would say "inaccessible" but no
>>>>>>>>>>>> problem, I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this behavior
expected? Does a stack miss in my
>>>>>>>>>>>> system? I still
use orca 3.6.2, as I'd like to
>>>>>>>>>>>> avoid Python3
required with latest orca releases. I
>>>>>>>>>>>> have installed
pygobject and libwnck. But some
>>>>>>>>>>>> stack must miss
in my architecture of
>>>>>>>>>>>> accessibility.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> JPM
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