Re: [orca-list] How many people us voxin?

But who is actually making a living from abandoned software that the 
developers, whoever they are, no longer support? Although I feel the 
free (as in freedom, not price) software model is by far the best way to 
distribute software, unrestricted, preserving the freedom to use, run, 
study and distribute the software, either free of charge or for a price, 
I will never begrudge a developer's need to earn a living. However, when 
the developers of a software application no longer wish to maintain the 
application, especially for more than 10 years, then the proprietary 
model certainly doesn't make sense under any circumstances. I refuse to 
give anyone my money for a software application, no matter how much I 
may like it, if they are unable, due to license terms and the 
abandonment of the source code to the outer realms, to help me if 
something goes totally wrong with my system because of the application 
that I purchased in good faith.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

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