Re: [orca-list] Espeak voice variations are not displayed in Orca preferences dialog.

If you require capital letters to be spoken in a different pitch, you may notice that Orca's default uppercase pitch is not different enough from the default voice for some people using eSpeak. In that case, simply raising the pitch of the uppercase voice should help. Otherwise, eSpeak was designed with a capital letter click that in my opinion is even better than using a different pitch. In your .speech-dispatcher/conf/speechd.conf, change the line that says
# DefaultCapLetRecognition  "none"
so that instead it says
DefaultCapLetRecognition  "icon"
This will turn on the capital letter click. If the first letter of a word is capitalized, eSpeak will click once. If the entire word is capitalized, eSpeak will click twice rapidly. If a word has mixed case, Orca splits the word and eSpeak clicks at each capital letter. Naturally, you can combine both pitch and click if you like. Hopefully this will help move some people away from commercial speech synthesizers, some of which are badly broken due to lack of code maintenance, in favor of open and free speech software that is much better maintained and kept up-to-date with the latest system libraries and CPU architectures.

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