Re: [orca-list] Accessibility of java-Based programs

(2012-11-18) Elias Oltmanns <eo nebensachen de> wrote:
(2012-11-17) Krishnakant Mane <krmane gmail com> wrote:
I installed the necessary packages (atkwrapper was already installed),
but swing based apps still don't work.

Here's a new development: In the file
/etc/java-6-openjdk/ I have uncommented the line
and made sure that
remained commented out. This seems to make a difference but in my case
the java process is running with 100% cpu load and jitsi (my test app)
does not start up.

Another nightly build of jitsi solved the problem of java spinning at
100% cpu load. Using openjdk-7, the program pops up and orca does,
indeed, provide some information. Unfortunately, the app is not
completely accessible, but AtkWrapper certainly seems to do its job.



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