Re: [orca-list] Problems with Orca and pidgin...seems to be an at-spi2-core issue

Hi Dave,

It might. Trisquel's packages tend to be about six months behind Ubuntu and rather than recompiling all the accessibility libraries you might save yourself a lot of time and trouble just by installing Precise. That's why I decided as soon as Precise comes out I'm going to use it full time, Unity or no Unity, so I can stay on top of Orca releases, qt-at-spi releases for KDE, etc without having to constantly update all of the dependencies too.

On 3/26/2012 12:09 PM, Dave Hunt wrote:


I use a commandline twitter client called ttytter The latest beta has a streaming api option. I may have to update the acesibility stack in this Ubuntu 11.10 derivative to get t-bird 11 to work correctly. Maybe it would be easier to just go to Precise?


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