Re: [orca-list] Problems with Orca and pidgin...seems to be an at-spi2-core issue


How' accessibility with Empathy? Maybe it's better than Pidgin, these days? For quite while, now, Ubuntu has put Empathy as the default messenger, which I've removed in my Ubuntu exploration.



On Sun, 25 Mar 2012, Guy Schlosser wrote:

Hi Jakob, yes, I can confirm the issue with pidgin as far as speech goes. Whenever I press enter after typing in a message, orca does not read it. The other thing I've noticed, is that some times I cannot see new messages from others, until I've already started typing again. I am however, happy to see the other accessibility bugs worked out. Hud is working in Unity 2d, and for the most part, I'm able to use skype. I'm a happy user/tester, and can't wait to recommend Ubuntu Precise to my friends and family using Ubuntu, after final release. Hopefully the pidgin bug can be ironed out before final release, or shortly after as perhaps a service update.

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