Re: [orca-list] talking gdm with orca in fedora

Hi Alex,

Maybe so, but let me just say Red Hat Enterprise uses much older
packages than Fedora. While Fedora is running Gnome 3.4 etc REL is
still rrunning Gnome 2.x and accessibility is still a couple of years
out of date comparatively speaking. However, on the flip side of this
because Red Hat Enterprise uses stable older well tested packages it
is far more stable than something like Ubuntu which  tends to run with
the bleeding edge code and as we can see with 12.04 Precise not all
the bugs were worked out of Precise upon stable release where
enterprise grade Linux distributions tend to hold off on updates in
favor of long term stability. Since Fedora, like Ubuntu tends to be on
the bleeding edge, I'm not sure how it compares to Red Hat Enterprise.


On 6/13/12, Alex Midence <alex midence gmail com> wrote:
Hi, Robert,

I'll try it out as soon as the installation kinks are worked out for
accessibility.  What little vision remains to me is good for telling
when the lights are on and off and for when it's day or night which is
essentially the same thing.  Not much use on a computer screen so
speech is the ticket for me.  I am keenly interested in learning how
to work with Fedora since it gives you aleg up on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux.  That seems to be where most of the Linux-based jobs are at
these days.  It makes sense to try and get some marketability in what
I learn about Linux since I spend so much time on it.  Who knows?
Some day, it might help pay the bills!  REL is very important in that
regard because it is so so popular as an enterprise solution.

Alex M

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