Re: [orca-list] Announce copy to clipboard [was "Re: Some bugs with perhaps possible fixing in master branch"]


Fair enough. I was just merely pointing out that sighted users don't
get any kind of feedback when pressing control+c, and that having Orca
report "copied to clipboard" is a convenience rather than being
absolutely necessary. As for myself I've gotten use to not having it,
but wouldn't complain if said feature was added. Although, I'll freely
admit at first it use to irritate
me until I got use to not having the screen reader speak messages
after every keystroke like Jaws or Window-Eyes does.


On 6/4/12, Albert Sten-Clanton <albert e sten_clanton verizon net> wrote:
For my part, I'd like at least the option of hearing what my keystrokes do,
including copying to or pasting from the clipboard.  If sighted users don't
get that feedback, there may be a do-as-they-do argument not to have it,
I still might not be persuaded.  I'd always, always rather be annoyed by
getting hit with too much information than by not having enough, though if
and only if that is the single, stark choice.  :-)


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