[orca-list] Announce copy to clipboard [was "Re: Some bugs with perhaps possible fixing in master branch"]

I use both Linux and Windows, and I never even missed this announcement
until it came up on this list. I personally don't care to hear this
announcement, although I guess if it were free to develop, it could
always be made a configurable option. I'd put it pretty far down on the
priority queue though.

Does NVDA announce this? I use JAWS less and less these days. Does JAWS
announce it when you set verbosity to the advanced setting?

I'd be curious to know how much market research Freedom Scientific did
before determining how features like this would work. I'm not making a
judgment either way, I'm just curious.

On 04/06/12 09:29, Alex Midence wrote:
Thought I'd chime in on this:

I'm a Linux user and also a current windows user.  I find the feature
very useful and it is rare that I find that it hasn't done what it
says it did i.e. control c reports text copied but none actually made
it to the clipboard.  I guess it's sort of comforting.  =)  I think
there is some value in duplicating some of the features found in
products like Jaws, Window eyes and company since they have doubtless
spent millions of dollars in market research and what not to arrive at
the decision to implement them into their software.  Those  millions
they used to fund this research often came in large part from people
shelling out those exhorbitant sums of money those companies continue
to insist on charging for their products.  Be nice to see Orca benefit
in some way from research funded in a tiny part by my little thousand
bucks I paid way back when.

Alex M

On 6/4/12, Thomas Ward <thomasward1978 gmail com> wrote:
Hi Joani,

On 6/2/12, Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> wrote:

Periodically this issue gets raised and the reason it gets raised is
thanks to JAWS. <sighs>

You are right, and unfortunately because many Linux users come from a
Windows background, including myself, that's a feature many people
have come to expect. I admit even though I realize its not strictly
necessary I am sometimes a bit irritated when I press control+c and
Orca doesn't say that the text was copied, or if I press control+v it
doesn't report if it was pasted into the document. When I was a
Windows user I grew use to that functionality, but after having used
Orca for a while I've finally broken  myself of the habit of expecting
Orca to report the copy and paste status as I realized it wasn't

Fortunately, there are clipboard utilities. I would rather see those
utilities work with Orca than add monitoring and presenting of the
clipboard to the list of tasks Orca is expected to do.

I agree. This seems like a much more practical goal than to have Orca
monitor the clipboard and let the user know if something was or wasn't
copied.  If a user presses control+c it is pretty safe to assume the
text was copied weather Orca says as much or not. However, I suppose
there should be a way to create a custom script that monitors the
keyboard and say "copied to clipboard" or "pasted from clipboard" etc
if people really need that feedback without monitoring the clipboard.

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Christopher (CJ)
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