Re: [orca-list] Priorities GNOME-Shell 3.4 (was Re: Trying Quantal Quetsal Alpha 3)

Piñeiro <apinheiro igalia com> wrote:
So as we are in the middle of 3.6 cycle (probably the version to be used
on ubuntu 12.10), it would be good to know in which stuff we should
focus. So, I would like to ask the Orca list which are the major stuff
that prevents to an Orca user to use gnome shell.

It's working well for me with Orca 3.4.2, except that the logout dialogue
isn't accessible.

I think there were changes to Orca in Git to work around this and I haven't
updated my installation yet. As far as I know, those changes haven't been
integrated into a release yet.

To be clear, if I select logout from the top panel I get neither braille nor
speech output, but pressing enter twice (once to select logout and a second
time to confirm) works now.

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