Re: [orca-list] system menu in default accessible desktop (ubuntu 11.04)

Hi Andy,

Thanks for the tips. That really helped. I'm not sure I really like
Unity to be honest. I'm glad getting it reset back to Gnome was that

As for the speed goes you are absolutely right. I've got a duel boot
laptop here with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11 on it and Ubuntu blows it
away in speed. Ubuntu loads up in like 30 seconds when I have to wait
for at least two complete minutes or so for Windows 7 just to get to
the login screen. No question which is the better OS when it comes to
performance goes.


On 5/6/11, Andy B. <sonfire11 gmail com> wrote:

To change back to gnome 3 from unity (if unity is already running), do the

1. From the desktop, press F10 to bring up the menubar.
2. Arrow left/right until you get to the menu called "image". There are a
few of them, but look for the one near the clock.
3. Press down arrow to open the menu.
4. Look for system settings and press enter.
5. In the window that opens, look for login screen settings and press enter.
6. Authenticate yourself.
7. Tab around until you get to the dropdown list for default desktop and
choose Ubuntu classic.
8. Close the windows until you get to the desktop.
9. Press F10 to open the menubar again.
10. Arrow to session and down arrow to restart...
11. Press enter on restart... and restart the computer.

When you sign in again, you will have gnome desktop.

I haven't noticed any really bad things going on with gnome 3 yet. Maybe I
haven't played with enough to find them out. Or, maybe there are bugs in it
but the system is still so fast that it puts windows xp to its grave as far
as the speed goes.

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