Re: [orca-list] is ubuntu 11.04 worth a try with Orca?

On 25/04/11 10:59, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi Alan.

I do hope 11.10 will be safe to wait
for, however the plan is with that one to drop classic gnome altogether
and have a fully accessible 3d Unity.
A fully accessible 3d Unity will be awesome. It's great to see Canonical
investing to get things right. Would that more corporations could be
counted on to do so....

This bit, however, worries me:

  The option for hardware that does
not do 3d will be Unity-2d which is based on QML and is at this point
looking to be a bit of a nightmare from an a11y perspective.
Not everyone who requires an accessible Unity is going to have the
necessary hardware to run the 3d version. Would you happen to know if
Canonical has assessed what it will take to ensure that this problem is
also addressed in time for the Oneiric release? After all, the Ubuntu
philosophy [1] includes the belief that "every computer user" (and not
just those with the right hardware) "should be able to use all software
regardless of disability."
OK, I don't agree with this, however the theory is that 10.04 is a long term support release and is supported through to April 2013, and thus by that time almost all computers will be able to run 3d, and/or QML will grow accessibility. Personally I am OK in general terms with not supporting older or low spec computers, it wouldn't bother me if they just didn't do Unity 2d at all and said "if you want to use Ubuntu you need 3d capable hardware". This to me seems more acceptable than "if you want to use an accessible Ubuntu you need 3d capable hardware"


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