Hi, On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 07:59:18AM -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
On Tue, Sep 07, 2010 at 04:16:53AM -0400, Trevor Saunders wrote:atspimon.py in the uia repo is probably the easier way to do this.Can you enlighten us as to where this can be found? is UIA a known package or is it a site some place? I'mv only heard of UIA as a new standard or something and reference has been made to it by GW Micro in some of their beta conversations Sorry if I'm in the dark here.
uia is the name of the project related to mono converting between windows ui automation and atk. There svn repo is at svn://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/uia2atk/UiaAtkBridge
Also, I'm using arch linux so hopefully this script isn't confined to some Ubuntu package or something. If it is a source tarball somewhere, I can gladly build an Arch compatible package out of it.
I think there is debian packages, I'm not sure if ubuntu has pulled those packages in yet. The easiest way to get it is to checkout the svn repo above. I suppose you could make a package for the whole uia to atk bridge and all the other mono accessibility stuff, but for just the atspimon script I'd just throw it in my personal bin. HTH Trev
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