[orca-list] pidgin and empathy voice chat problems with orca.

Hello all.
Depending on the correctness of my doubt this email can be on or off-topic.
I am trying hard to do voice chat using empathy and pidgin.
empathy now works absolutely fine as far as usual chat is concerned.
as a side note, I would be interested to raise a question, if pidgin is absolutely accessible and also has the audio video chat feature, should accessibility with empathy be a priority?
Never the less, coming back to my pointt.
when I tryed audio chat with my friend using empathy and orca running, I got the following behaviour. * the option to initiate audio chat was accessible and I could also get to the dialog where it shows that an audio chat is being requested. * I could see buttons like hangup and there was some side bar as well (don't know what it was ).
* the friend excepts the invitation but none of us could hear each other.
* when my friend sends an audio chat invitation, I hear the phone ring tone sounding but i don't figure out how to except the call, where is the button? * My sighted colligue tryed it but when orca was running there was no audio chat possible.
When orca was turned off, it did work once but never after that.

What this could mean?

happy hacking.

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