Re: [orca-list] FLAG DAY - Profiles and a new settings manager

Hey Attila.

1. Testing purpose I tryed create an another laptop keybinding hungarian 
profile, this is works right.
When I choosing active profile and click load button, the profile is 
wonderful loaded.

Note to Halim: I told you that sometimes it works. <grins>

But when I restarting Orca, Orca loaded the default profile again. This 
is true too with orca --replace option.
This is not a bug? 

I don't believe so.

Now yet I not read the profiles related 

If you had you would find out how to save a profile as the start up
profile. <smile> Tabbing around in the profile group might have also
given you a hint.

Please try setting your start up profile and let me know how that goes.

3. Not have shortcut yet with load button in the Orca general 
preferences page.

For me it does. The L of Load is underlined. It is even in the Hungarian
locale, though I don't have your in-progress translations. So either
something weird is going on for you, or perhaps you translated the
string without an underlined letter?

Regardless, when I looked to verify your report, I noticed that there is
no great way to immediately jump to the Profiles group of widgets.
Therefore, I just added a shortcut for the Active Profile widget which
is the first in the group and likely one you are interested in (you have
to choose a profile to load in that combo box before you press the load

So now I can hear you responding, "great, but the startup profile combo
box still lacks a shortcut." This is indeed the case. But already we are
duplicating shortcuts, and for some locales it is worse than others. So
I have to question the value of giving every last widget a shortcut.
It's only a few presses of Tab to get from Active Profile (now with
shortcut) to Startup Profile. And you presumably won't be changing your
startup profile all that often. So my vote would be to leave the Startup
Profile combo box without a dedicated shortcut. Having said that, I'll
allow you or others to convince me otherwise if there is a compelling
enough use case. <smile>

4. Now, the profile related controls is awailable only with general tab. 

Correct. There were several reasons for this:

1. Profiles work only at the Orca-wide level; not at the application- 
   specific level. Putting it on the general page has a nice side 
   effect of making it available when it makes sense and making it not
   available when it doesn't make sense.

2. The general page is the page where the most basic things to Orca
   live. So independent of the convenience (in terms of the code) that
   I mentioned, logically this is where profiles belong.

Not better add this possibility with all preference tabs,

I don't think so.

 or put a  "profil choose..." button with the main screen if have more stored 
profiles with the user?

This I'm less certain about. However, remember that one of the items on
the short-term to-do list is to have a keybinding that allows you to
quickly cycle amongst your profiles. So if your goal is simply "I want
to be able to change fast", you'll have that soon enough, without any
need for adding, duplicating, or moving widgets.

Take care.

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