Re: [orca-list] No typing control in Ff's adress bar

Hello, do not worry about being stupid as I had bought voxin as well, and am not sure wich speech synth or wich speech system to use ful time, nome-speech gives me the best responce with orca and espeak, but with orca unstability. speech-dispatcher and orca kind of work but with speech-dispatcher crashing with the espeak module, not so much.
i'm using alsa.
Can anyone elaborate more on these issues?
The only problem I'm really having with orca is when autoreading in a gnome-terminal or gnome-mud, orca cuts off the first word when autoreading.
On 03/08/2009 09:42 AM, Hermann wrote:
On 05.03.2009 at 14:17:26 Willie Walker<William Walker Sun COM>  wrote:

Hi Hermann:

Late in the GNOME 2.24 cycle, there were some changes made to the way
GTK+ loads the accessibility infrastructure and this impacted Firefox
as well.  You might be running into this.  Based upon your previous
e-mails, though, I believe you are running a distribution few of us
use, and you've also customized it to a great degree.

I have not customized it too much; in fact, which circumstances are you
refering to?
But this morning I observed something strange:
When switching to Gnome-speech and Espeak, I can control my typing in
Minefield again - a bit slow, but it works.
This Voxin synth is going to make me stupid. (See my mail earlier this morning).
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