Re: [orca-list] No typing control in Ff's adress bar

On 05.03.2009 at 14:17:26 Willie Walker <William Walker Sun COM> wrote:

Hi Hermann:

Late in the GNOME 2.24 cycle, there were some changes made to the way
GTK+ loads the accessibility infrastructure and this impacted Firefox
as well.  You might be running into this.  Based upon your previous
e-mails, though, I believe you are running a distribution few of us
use, and you've also customized it to a great degree.

I have not customized it too much; in fact, which circumstances are you
refering to?
But this morning I observed something strange:
When switching to Gnome-speech and Espeak, I can control my typing in
Minefield again - a bit slow, but it works.
This Voxin synth is going to make me stupid. (See my mail earlier this morning).

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