Re: [orca-list] Orca, gnome-speech and pulseaudio

Nolan Darilek wrote:
Here's a thought. What about adding the initial user created on
accessibility installs to the pulse-rt group? That gave me enough of a
latency boost that it might actually be enough to win over a few more
folks to keeping it. Actually, is there some reason this isn't done in
all desktop installs? In the typical Ubuntu use case, I'm guessing the
desktop user would appreciate the extra latency cut offered by realtime

In our experience, the RT scheduling doesn't help much and pulse audio
is still much less responsive on most hardware.

Of course, there must be a chance so set up Ubuntu to use pulse audio.
The problem now, however is, that it seems impossible to turn it off and
use ALSA instead.  We don't want to make it the other way round, we just
want to have both options.

Best regards, Tomas

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