Re: [orca-list] Orca, gnome-speech and pulseaudio

Hi Lorenzo
Check your /usr/bin/espeak-synthesis-driver, it should be a wrapper script envoking the driver through Pulseaudio if it's running. I'm not sure if the latest gnome-speech package bypasses pulse ornot, I use speech-dispatcher. If it's not, and it is the actual binary, move it to espeak-synthesis-driver.bin and create the following script:
if pidof pulseaudio >/dev/null && which padsp >/dev/null; then
  exec padsp $0.bin $@
  exec $0.bin $@
Copy this to /usr/bin/espeak-synthesis-driver. This will wrap the driver in padsp, causing it to go through Pulseaudio again. This script will work with any other driver as well, just move the driver to its name with the extension .bin and symlink this script into place.

Alternatively, use speech dispatcher. This is what I'd actually recommend, especially with espeak, as their espeak driver is quite good and when used with pulse is much more stable than wrapping the gnome-speech driver via padsp. I wish gnome-speech had its own audio backends, this could take care of a lot of these stability problems with Pulseaudio.

On Feb 25, 2009, at 19:55, Lorenzo Taylor wrote:

This message will probably be the reverse of other questions I have seen on this list regarding pulseaudio.

I am running Ubuntu Jaunty with all the latest updates as of the posting of this message. For the last day or so, Orca using gnome- speech is bypassing pulseaudio. This causes the speech to be slightly more responsive, but at the expense of no longer being able to listen to music or youtube videos while doing other things. In fact, any sound produced by the system causes Orca to stop speaking for about 6 or 7 seconds after the sound has stopped. Consequently, I can't start playing a song or video while Orca is speaking, and I can't do anything at all on the computer while a song or video is playing. Is this a fairly new bug that should be reported or a still somewhat buggy feature introduced by complaints regarding responsiveness? Is there a way to get the gnome-speech espeak driver to once again use pulseaudio for output so that I can have speech while other sounds play? I can sacrifice a small bit of responsiveness for the ability to play music while using the computer to do other things.

Thanks for any help,
Great Goddess Isis,
Thou who art above the stars,
Grant us peace and love.
--Lorenzo Taylor
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