[orca-list] Webvisum Captcha Solving: Is It Working For You?


I've been trying to use webvisum's captcha solving service without
success recently. So, I'm wondering whether others are, in
fact, successfully solving visual captchas with Orca 2.23.92, Firefox 3
and webvisum 0.7.7 -- or similar.

All I get is my tts saying "carat" as though I've pressed Shift+6.



Janina Sajka,   Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;        sip:janina a11y org
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada
Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com

Chair, Open Accessibility       janina a11y org 
Linux Foundation                http://a11y.org

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