Re: [orca-list] Webvisum Captcha Solving: Is It Working For You?

Hi Janina,
I installed Webvisum yesterday on my Ubuntu hardy installation with Firefox 3 and I was able to use it on a 
webpage where i had to enter a captcha. So it's working fine here. I awsn't however notified when the captcha 
process was completed. I had to use the orca review commands in order to find that out.
But I have then changed the settings in Webvisum to display a dialog instead.
Best regards,

On 2008-09-12 at 15:06 Janina Sajka wrote:


I've been trying to use webvisum's captcha solving service without
success recently. So, I'm wondering whether others are, in
fact, successfully solving visual captchas with Orca 2.23.92, Firefox 3
and webvisum 0.7.7 -- or similar.

All I get is my tts saying "carat" as though I've pressed Shift+6.



Janina Sajka,  Phone:  +1.202.595.7777;        sip:janina a11y org
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