Re: [orca-list] Possibly OT -- GUI development in Linux

On Thu, 2008-10-30 at 06:23 -0500, Stephen Clower wrote:

I've investigated SWT as an alternate framework. Its components are 
perfectly accessible in Windows; is the same true on the Linux side?
I have used orca with eclipse and been successful in its use. Is it
perfect? Possibly not, there were occasions when all orca got was
"panel" but this may be due to the actual application as I can think of
some GTK and java swing applications which give similar results. Then I
think there were some eclipse specific problems like orca seems to
become unresponsive after closing eclipse, and code completion not
showing in braille (only the space it occupies shows, IE. I only get the
space between the brackets no actual text between the brackets).

Michael Whapples

Best regards,

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