Re: [orca-list]

On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 04:13:46PM +1000, Daniel Dalton wrote:

I will, but one issue I have with emacs is: when writing a line, it  
usually goes past 80 chars, therefore placing a \ in the middle of the  
line, so its not easy to read.
For example:
A really long 80 char line\ somewhere

Obviously the line would need to be longer than that.
Do you know how to stop the \ and make it start a new line?

Edit your ~/.emacs file and add the following two lines:
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
(setq fill-column 78)
Save the file and restart Emacs, or run that code from within Emacs.

To get longer lines you can change 78 to whatever length you prefer.

And should I just google on info on how to use latex?

apt-get install texlive
and I would suggest reading the following:
and if you want menus and keyboard shortcuts to make it easier to enter and
remember the LaTeX commands:
apt-get install auctex (and read its manual from within Emacs).

pdflatex will generate nicely formatted PDF files for you. You can install
tex4ht to produce HTML, and there are also converters to and from RTF format.

For a useful LaTeX reference, try the following:

I would suggest learning basic LaTeX, writing a few short sample documents,
converting them to PDF, then, when you're ready to use it for real work,
you'll be able to do so with confidence.

It's also very good for mathematical typesetting, and thus ideal for
printing mathematics assignments, for example.

Syntax checkers are available to report warnings or errors in LaTeX files. For
example, in Debian there is the chktex package.

This mailing list isn't the place to discuss LaTeX, but if you have any
problems getting started you're welcome to write to me off-list.

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