Re: [orca-list] Indicating text attribute changes in OpenOffice [was suggestions for openoffice/orca improvements]

hello all.

On 17/05/2008, David E. Price <deprice cs utah edu> wrote:
Hi, Janina,

Janina Sajka wrote:
I would really not care to hear even the page announcement in REadAll
mode--unless I have also enabled reading all punctuation and caps
indications in ReadAll--a kind of proofreading. And, if I've enabled
punctuation and caps for proofreading, wouldn't I also want to hear all
font changes? Bold? Italics? Etc?

I believe hearing certain things in the read all is quite preferable.
for example raising the pitch of speech for bold type and announcing
the page number to which the screen reader has raeched.  All other
information can be got by specific key strokes.  the reason is that
while reading all at once I believe many of us like to be updated
about the page numbers in particular (By the way a very popular
proprietory screen reader does it on one on unfortunately most popular
OS, so it is not the case that we always ignore good things ).
I might for example have the screen reader scrole down and read some
text at the usual speed, but the moment it reaches a certain page
where I have certain important information, I will press ctrl and then
reduce the speed and then again resume read all.  this is the way many
sited people do when they are going through a long document where they
scrole fast and slow down on a page where there is some important

How would you suggest that all of these text attributes be indicated to
the user?  Pitch changes for the more common types of formatting?
Vocalizing all attribute changes? Remember that auditory icons will remain
problematic as long as gnome-speech retains sole control of the sound
card.   This is a very difficult problem, as I see it, trying to find the
middle ground between ease of use and perfect announcement of all
attribute changes, which could make it very difficult to keep track of
what is going on in the document. So, any ideas?

by the way since pulsaudio has come by default, I can play multiple
souns on a machine where I have single channel sound card and it never
played more than one sound at a time before ubuntu hardi for example.
so auditory icons won't be a problem.  and if we carefully listen to
documents raed in emacspeak, we understand how well they are
manipulating espeak by chaging tonal quality and also pitch.
happy hacking.



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