Re: [orca-list] interesting translation bug?

Dnia 08-03-2008, sob o godzinie 10:15 +0000, Jonathan Duddington pisze:
On 08 Mar, Hammer Attila <hammera pickup hu> wrote:
Why not sayd correctly the hungarian translated simbol if typing the 
space character?
Perhaps Orca (or Speech Dispatcher) is asking eSpeak to speak the name
of the Space character?

The same problem is in Polish. Speech-dispatcher sends:
<say-as interpret-as="tts:key">space</say-as>
to eSpeak.

My test:

spd-say -e
!-!CHAR space - produces correct Polish name [[spatsja]]
!-!KEY space - produces incorrect name [[spatse]]

I added the line:

_#32 spatsja

into pl_list, but it's recognized only as character name, not a key.
Does eSpeak recognize interpret-as="tts:key" attribute? If it does,
there must be the way to put translations of key names into xx_list file
(the "space" is very good example, in Polish it should be pronounced as
"spatsja" when speaking key name, but treated as English word in plain


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