Re: [orca-list] Orca development

On 01/06/2008, Michael Whapples <mwhapples aim com> wrote:
Please find my comments/answers inline below.
On Sun, 2008-06-01 at 07:20 -0300, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
Good morning,

I've taken a look at Orca, I like it, but wouldn't use it for more
than something to play around with.  I far prefer JAWS and Eloquence
under WinXP.
What exactly did you not like about orca?  for example, I personally
used jaws for quite some time and also tried window-eyes.  but none of
them seam to be useful to say the least after I have seen the power of
I would rather say that orca is one of the best screen readers and has
great potential too.  not to mention that jaws is developed by freedom
scientific and I don't think there is any freedom involved with jaws
and nor is it scientific.
Please tell the list specifically what you found absent or what
particularly was some thing you expected and did not find, or is it
just the voice?
it is highly possible that you did not use orca to its full potentials
and might not have discovered the power.  so do read the documentation
in details.
If you prefer the sound of eloquence, then you can get IB TTS which is
basically the same as eloquence for Linux. I believe there are two
different ways of getting it, ttsynth ( or voxin
michael, are these two softwares free (as in freedom ) or just free of
charge yet proprietory or do we need to pay for it?
I would be interested in trying them out too.

So, can someone lead me to a good getting started page / wiki for
helping to improve Orca?  I'd like to contribute so that Orca can
become something I can use full-time and I can get rid of XP.
What sort of things were you meaning? Do you need any getting started
with orca docs to make sure you are using it to its full potential, or
do you want more technical docs such as getting started with writing
scripts, getting useful information for bugs ,etc. One place you can
start is by reporting any bugs, use the bug tracking facility at
( for searching for, viewing and submitting
bug reports.

it is really apprecieable that people are now realising the beauty and
wonders of this freedom world which RMS and free software moment has
I am really happy that people want to take full advantage of the fact
that source code is open to modify and are willing to bring in more
power to free software.
talking about scripting, well I am in the same boat.  I also need to
get started and as I mentioned in my previous emails specially
addressed to wili, I am really now having a botleneck.  I am clear
with the arketecture concepts and now want some proper documentation
about scripting, and also about how actually to use the knowledge I
have about the arketecture to script orca.  I want to know for example
how the scripting model of orca associates itself with at-spi calls
and the pipeline through wich different applications pass on their
so let's hope we have some updates on this from the seasoned hackers
of orca.  seams the scripting tutorial is not uptodate.
happy hacking.
If you wish to add some application specific stuff, then learn about
scripting for orca (in fact if you want to do any development of orca
you most likely will need to) learn python. I found the python tutorial
in the standard python documentation and dive into python both good
starting points for learning python.

Thank you,

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