Re: [orca-list] Orca development

Please find my comments/answers inline below.
On Sun, 2008-06-01 at 07:20 -0300, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
Good morning,
I've taken a look at Orca, I like it, but wouldn't use it for more
than something to play around with.  I far prefer JAWS and Eloquence
under WinXP.
If you prefer the sound of eloquence, then you can get IB TTS which is
basically the same as eloquence for Linux. I believe there are two
different ways of getting it, ttsynth ( or voxin
So, can someone lead me to a good getting started page / wiki for
helping to improve Orca?  I'd like to contribute so that Orca can
become something I can use full-time and I can get rid of XP.
What sort of things were you meaning? Do you need any getting started
with orca docs to make sure you are using it to its full potential, or
do you want more technical docs such as getting started with writing
scripts, getting useful information for bugs ,etc. One place you can
start is by reporting any bugs, use the bug tracking facility at
( for searching for, viewing and submitting
bug reports.

If you wish to add some application specific stuff, then learn about
scripting for orca (in fact if you want to do any development of orca
you most likely will need to) learn python. I found the python tutorial
in the standard python documentation and dive into python both good
starting points for learning python.
Thank you,

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