Re: [orca-list] orca stopping speech


Are you using speech-dispatcher?
If so, what version? I dont know what ships with hardy, but i remember 
with older versions of speech-dispatcher sometimes it crashed.

If you are using it, then a sudo/etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher restart
probably kills orca for you, but when you start it up again (alt+f2, 
then type orca) it might just work again, saving you the trouble of 

Sorry if i am totally missing the point.

On Mon 14/07/2008 at 20:57:54, 
Jann Schneider wrote:
Hi all,

Jon wrote:
Does Orca stop talking all together, and even if you switch application?

yes exactly thats the case... It stoppes even across applications and 
never starts speaking again until i restart it.

Hermann reported something simular a few days back, when orca would
freeze, and only start talking again when switching application.

But in my case it is a litle bit different. Orca doesn't freece at all. 
I still have "normal" braille output and no slowing down of orca or 
something like that.

I have created a debug-xxx.out file. Where shoul i send it or put it to. 
Perhaps there is allready a bug describing this behaviour where i can 
add it. Or someone of you want directly have a look at it... Just let me 

Regards Jann
I also observe the behaviour that Hermann sees.


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