Re: [orca-list] ubuntu hardy a5 and speech-dispatcher

Thanks Jon for the quick response. I did some looking around in my system, and I actually found another installation in the usr/local/bin location, as well as the /usr/bin location. I removed the one out of /usr/local, and everything seems to be back to normal with espeak. One further question for whoever can help though, I have my audiooutputmethod set to pulse in espeak.conf, but am not getting any sound through espeak. Isn't pulseaudio supposed to be enabled by default in hardy? Are there some settings that should go into alsa.conf to pipe audio through pulse? Both my alsa.conf and espeak.log are blank when I look at them. I think when I get home from work tonight, I'm gonna set my audiooutputmethod back to alsa, in hopes of at least getting speech-dispatcher back up and running, then I can mess with pulseaudio later. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,


At 07:40 PM 2/24/2008, you wrote:
On 24 Feb, Guy Schlosser <guyster bex net> wrote:
> in my espeak.log, I see the message "wrong version of
> espeak-data..."  The message also says that it expects version
> 0x12801 and found 0x13100.

It means that you are using different versions of the eSpeak program
and the eSpeak data.

The data is version 1.31 and the program (actually the eSpeak shared
library) is version 1.28.   Probably something hasn't installed

The eSpeak data is at:

although if you have a copy of espeak-data at the top level of your
Home directory then it will use that instead.

The eSpeak shared library is at:

which should link to:

This is assuming that you're using the program "espeak" and not the
version called "speak".

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