Re: [orca-list] suggestion for adding new quick navigation keys for Mozilla Firefox WEB browser

On 11.08.2008 at 19:44:02 José Vilmar Estácio de Souza <vilmar informal com br> wrote:

Hi, I'm new to orca but if I'm not mistaken, some features suggested
are present.
For example:
H and shift+h jumps to the next or previous heading.
1 and shift+1 jumps to the next or previous heading level 1.
2 and shift+2 jumps to next or previous heading level 2.
The same behavior  for numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6.
I don't know   about combo box, check box and etc.

Check out the very latest version of Orca, and see the hotkeys list in the Orca
preferences for Firefox/Thunderbird, especially the keys assignment
tab. You can reach it by pressing control+Orca+space from within the
two apps.
Note: Some keys are not assigned, but all the stuff is available, except
the "graphics" one.
So no reason for reinventing the wheel :-)

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