Re: [orca-list] brltty question

On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Jann Schneider wrote:

Do you currently have braille working? Like can you start brltty from a
console for example and read the screen?
Yes, Currently I just have to start brltty manually but than it works
properly. After login orca starts and I'm opening a terminal and enter
sudo killall brltty
(cause it's allready started with wrong args)

sudo brltty -d ttyUSB0

and than it works (after restarting orca of course).

I believe if it is usb
with no args should get it working otherwise.
Try using the -b option and if that fails then also add -d...
Perhaps it is a problem, that I'm using a rs323 to USB controller? But
than I can't understand that it is starting with arg -d ttyUSB0 when
starting it manually ...
If it works it should be ok... Ignore that.

In my /etc/brltty.conf i have the following values:

braille-driver  al
braille-device  usb:            # First USB device matching braille driver.
These are the correct options? They are the only ones uncommented? and 
they are not commented out with a # sign before the line?
Try grepping start up scripts and grub for "brltty" and see if there is a 
call there...
Be sure to use -i -n and other useful operators for more detailed 
information... and -r. Oh and -i I think ignores case.
Which is what you want.

I guess a hack could be to killall brltty
and then brltty [options...]
in /etc/init.d/rcS
If you want to do it properly you should really find out where it is been started, what file and modify that file to include the correct arguments... Also maybe try using -c (I think) to tell brltty to use /etc/brltty.conf as its config file although I would imagine it would do that by default?
Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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