Re: [orca-list] pulseaudio frustration

Hi.  I'm probably one of those who posted about the advangtages of pulseaudio.  In my case, I only have 1 
sound card on this box.
I couldn't get the gnome-speech Swift driver to work with aoss, but it did well with padsp.  On my system 
with 2 sound cards, I still use alsa to get output directed to the correct card.
I don't run Ubuntu, so pulseaudio is an extra package on my distro, and not the default.
If I understand pulseaudio, you want to tell your sound apps to use a specific sync as default.  
Unfortunately, I can't tell you how to do that.  The pulseaudio device chooser
was accessible for me on Debian.  I don't know what might have been changed on Ubuntu. 
Have you tried the paman command?  The man page for it suggests you might be able to do what you want.  I 
wish I could be more help, but installing pulseaudio on a system with more than one sound card isn't 
currently an option for me.


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