Re: [orca-list] brltty question

Hi Daniel, 

Am Freitag, den 25.04.2008, 09:30 +1000 schrieb Daniel Dalton:
Do you currently have braille working? Like can you start brltty from a 
console for example and read the screen?

Yes, Currently I just have to start brltty manually but than it works
properly. After login orca starts and I'm opening a terminal and enter
sudo killall brltty 
(cause it's allready started with wrong args) 

sudo brltty -d ttyUSB0 
and than it works (after restarting orca of course). 

I believe if it is usb
with no args should get it working otherwise.
Try using the -b option and if that fails then also add -d...

Perhaps it is a problem, that I'm using a rs323 to USB controller? But
than I can't understand that it is starting with arg -d ttyUSB0 when
starting it manually ... 

Before trying to auto-start it make sure it is working properly.
Once you know how to set it up its a good idea to look at /etc/brltty.conf 
and add your driver calls and settings in there...

In my /etc/brltty.conf i have the following values: 

braille-driver  al 
braille-device  usb:            # First USB device matching braille driver.

and also choosed to use the text table for german (de). I've also tried
to put specific values to the device property like 
braille-device  usb:0
braille-device  usb:ttyUSB0 

But none of these device settings worked. Only if I start the brltty
manually it works properly. 


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