Re: [orca-list] Pulseaudio and speech-dispatcher/gnome-speech in Ubuntu.


Hynek Hanke  wrote:
Can't we at least change the configuration of the output modules from
"alsa" to "pulse"
and start a Pulse Audio daemon under the speech-dispatcher user from
While far from optimal given the current state of Pulse Audio itself,
the bindings in Speech Dispatcher etc.,
at least it doesn't have any serious side effects and it could be
started by default.

From all the proposed solutions this seems to me as the most user friendly one. So questions which arise: How would I go about altering gnome so it won't start pulse audio and what shal I add into the /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher to run pulse audio? I think the rest is simple I just need to change speech-dispatcher output device from alsa to pulse. One slightly off-topic question: how to tell speech-dispatcher to use the second soundcard instead of primary when output is set to pulse?



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